Alliance of Nations helping
People and Communities

Treaty Registration #RE222805059US
UN OHCHR Registry 06 JUL 2015
ANPC Nation #RE222805045US
The Hague Registry 07 JUL 2015


1) Be sure you have gotten your car titled into a foreign trust and understand how this process works. The step of registering your car in a foriegn trust is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE for your safety when being a private traveller as it removes your car from the corporate jurisdiction. If one attempts to use the private travel tools using a car that has not been removed into a foreign trust, it is setting them up for possible trouble if stopped by a police officer. So for top success, please use the Foreign trust, the ID card with its authentication papers AND the International Drivers Permit and be sure to put a Private Trust Lien on your car.
Per the Geneva Convention of International Road Travel, It states that the Foreign IDP must be used together with a Foreign National Drivers License and these two seem to work flawlessly together as long as the car is also in foreign trust. Also, you can view the Police resource card on how to deal with Foreign Nationals here:
So here is an IMPORTANT FYI:
When an officer makes a stop, he asks for: 1. Foreign Drivers License-You then present the ANPC FDL. the IDP (WITH the packet of authentication papers from US Dept of State that you received with your ID-Including your Copyright page) 2. Registration: Here you have the choice of actually registering the car into your foreign trust (which IS STILL outside their jurisdiction) OR Using the ANPC Private Car registration and tags which is available on the Travel Tools page. 3. Insurance- Here you have the choice of getting a monthly standard insurance or your BEST option which is using the ANPC Private Bond Insurance which the DMV actually enters into their database when you Title or register your car into a foreign trust.
Once you are sure you have those three areas covered properly, you should have no trouble with private travel, but people who neglect covering one of those important areas then are opening themselves up for trouble in not properly covering all bases in the private and ANPC shall not be held liable for any omissions on the part of any member and retains the right to deny service to any individual who does not appear ready to be act in a responsible manner using our services.